• ۱۴۰۳-۰۶-۱۸
  • مشهد
  • ساعت کاری: 8.00 - 15.00

جزئیات وبلاگ

Patient Adherence to Scheduled Vital Sign Measurements During Home Tele-monitoring: Analysis of the Intervention Arm in a Before and After Trial

Patient Adherence to Scheduled Vital Sign Measurements During Home Tele-monitoring: Analysis of the Intervention Arm in a Before and After Trial

موضوع ارائه: Patient Adherence to Scheduled Vital Sign Measurements During Home Tele-monitoring: Analysis of the Intervention Arm in a Before and After Trial

ارائه دهنده: محدثه وزیری

تاریخ ارائه: ۲۲ خرداد ۹۸